Landerlan Trenbolone Salts


Landerlan Trenbolone Salts



Composition of this medicine

Every 1ml. of Injectable Oily Solution contains:

Trenbolone acetate – 50 mg.
Trenbolone hexahydroxybenzyl carbonate – 50 mg
Trenbolone Enanthate – 100mg

Whole 200mg x 10ml



Landerlan Trenbolone Salts



Composition of this medicine

Every 1ml. of Injectable Oily Solution contains:

Trenbolone acetate – 50 mg.
Trenbolone hexahydroxybenzyl carbonate – 50 mg
Trenbolone Enanthate – 100mg

Whole 200mg x 10ml
Excipients – qs.

What are Trenbolone salts?

It is a very potent steroid blend drug that contains three active Trenbolone compounds including Trenbolone Acetate, Trenbolone Enanthate and Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate which belong to the Androgen group. The presence of two long base ester versions of Enanthate and Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate makes the steroid relatively slow acting. Trenbolone is basically responsible for developing and maintaining the body in recovery from debilitating catabolic processes and assisting various systems, including muscle.

How does this medicine work?

It works by activating its highly selective anti-catabolic properties, helping to maintain protein levels in the body, increasing erythropoiesis and increasing the state of conservation and development of the muscular system, as well as regulating fat.

What is this medicine for?

For the treatment of all conditions related to general compromise disorders, it is an ideal drug for convalescent states, for burns or debilitated and above all to prevent muscle atrophy. It also has hormonal and functional activity in men. It also serves to treat other debilitating and debilitating chronic diseases.

Who should be careful to use this medicine?

-Those people with heart disease, high blood pressure, tumors, breast and prostate cancer, prostatic hyperplasia, behavioral disorders, liver problems, poor kidney function, unbalanced calcium in the blood, thyroid, acne, excessively oily skin, severe or chronic respiratory conditions. Especially in women, due to its hormonal action, it is prohibited and contraindicated. Also children, adolescents and elderly people. Pregnant and lactating as it is potentially risky. It should not be administered to those who receive other immuno-weakening treatments, they should necessarily consult their doctor.


Anti-catabolic, Malnutrition, Cachexia, Physical decline, Weakness and general compromise, Burns in recovery, prevention of muscle atrophy, Selective fat regulator, Activator of the metabolic cycle, Increases lean mass, Increases hardness, definition and muscle strength, Increases Erythropoiesis.

More information about Trenbolone


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